This stunning tradescantia features pale green leaves striped with white, and tends to "creep" rather than trail, if allowed. It's strong rooting habit keeps it close to it's growing medium when possible, making it ideal for coco-lined wire baskets. It's very drought-tolerant, and can be allowed to dry out between watering, but looks best with fairly regular water. Bright, indirect light, but not full outdoor sun, is the ideal light for this one. I keep mine in eastern light-in the summer, it hangs from my shaded deck, where it gets only a few hours of morning sun, and very little water. In the winter, it lives in an east/south corner with the rest of my indoor jungle, and is one of the easiest plants in my collection.
While sometimes confused with t. fluminensis variegata, the leaves on this species are thicker and longer, the stems are thicker, it's more apt to send out air roots (as you can see on the photo below), and the leaves have a very pretty shimmer in sunlight that fluminensis lacks. They're very different plants, once you get to know them!