Calathea Yellow Fusion is one of the most stunning prayer plants out there! It is a compact, bushy plant with gorgeous, green and lime yellow marbled leaves. Each lanceolate leaf is entirely unique and looks almost as if someone had painted white brush strokes along the leaf. Calathea Yellow Fusion is a true showstopper that, if you get its care right, will be a living work of art for your home!
Calatheas are native to tropical Americas, growing underneath canopies in rainforests. As a member of the Marantaceae family, Calathea Yellow Fusion is an active plant which undergoes observable nyctinasty, the process of foliage reacting to the daily light cycle. Calatheas bend their leaves upwards at night and downwards during the day, which gave them their common name 'prayer plants' - and you can sometimes hear a quiet crackling noise when the leaves move. Therefore, Calathea Yellow Fusion will enjoy a position out of direct sun light with changes in the daily lighting environment.
Calathea Yellow Fusion thrives indoors with the correct care. Ensure your environment has high humidity in bright indirect light. Please note that, due to its stunning variegation, this Calathea species requires more light than other Calatheas. Above all, this plant should be watered with soft water only, free from calcium carbonate and other minerals found in many urban water sources. Grouping Calatheas will help achieve the correct humidity along with an attentive watering routine. As a result you'll have a healthy looking plant with no burnt edges.