Sansevieria kirkii cv. Silver Blue is one of the nicest Sansevieria distinguished by its unique super chunky silver blue foliage patterned with darker longitudinal lines and mottling. It is often named simply Sansevieria 'Silver Blue' as it remains to be seen if this plant is related to Sansevieria kirkii or not. For this reason many growers use the cultivar name only, and not the species name kirkii. The leaves are exceptionally thick and shorter, and seem different from the S. kirkii. Silver Blue is a very beautiful still a rare collector's plant. Bright light brings out the best leaf color. The flower is greenish-white, scented, and has a conical inflorescence.
Habit: It is a compact acaulescent herb with creeping underground rhizomes from which spring several tuft of leathery leaves arranged in low-growing rosettes.
Leaves: Not more than 1–3(–4) to a tuft, spreading to upper part recurved or even drooping, oblanceolate, about 30 cm long, 6–10 cm, broad at the middle and very rigid, flat in the upper half when mature, channelled in the lower half, 2.5-3.5 cm thick at the middle, dark bluish-green mottled on both sides with silvery-white with longitudinal dark green lines. Margins very wavy with a narrow, hardened, red-brown and white marginal line often breaking up into thread-like fibres. Apex very rigid to stiffly coriaceous, tipped with a horny spine. Midrib broad, rounded on the back.
Inflorescence: 25––60 cm long.
Flowers: Erect or ascending, 2-15 cm long green on the back and tips, the rest brownish-pink ans shented. Stamens as long as the perianth-lobes, filaments about 17cm long, anthers 4–5 mm long. Style 15-16 cm long considerably exserted beyond the lobes.
Fruit: The fruit is a globose berry.