Pithecellobium confertum (Everfresh Tree)
Botany Geek Everfresh Tree

Pithecellobium confertum (Everfresh Tree)

Regular price $60.00
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The Everfresh Tree (Pithecellobium confertum) is a tropical species from Central and South America. It has pleasantly soft, feathery foliage. Their small leaf size and ability to handle quite a lot of physical manipulation, means that they have recently become popular as miniature indoor trees, especially in Japan, where the tree's appearance looks particularly striking against a minimalist background. 

While relatively common to find in Asia, this plant is nearly impossible to source in the US! We're very lucky to have some in stock and once we're out of them, that's it!

You can find beautiful examples of how people have shape their Everfresh Trees into works of art all over Instagram. Some lovely examples can be found on Instagram at @botanygeek (pictured) and @benji_plant

Warm, full to partial sun, moderate humidity, well draining soil. 

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