String of Turtles(Peperomia prostrata)is a tiny succulentnative to Brazil that thrives in a climate that mimics those found in the average household. Because of this, it's a popular plant for houseplant collections and apartment jungles worldwide.
That same leaf shape is what gives the plant its common name. Each one looks like the shell of a miniature turtle strung together. Every tiny leaf on its trailing vine has intricate multi-colored patterns covering its surface—the colors become muted with age and eventually become bicolored by maturity, typically a darker green contrasted by light green. No matter how it is used, the uniqueness ofPeperomia prostratawill make it a valuable addition to any indoor plant collection and an excellent conversation piece.
It issmall in size and has a slow growth rate, reaching full maturity in three to five years. This makes string of turtles a good choice if you have limited space. The plant's attractive leaf shape also makes it a favorite to use in fairy gardens, container gardens, and terrariums.