Stephanie erecta
Stephanie erecta
Stephanie erecta

Stephanie erecta

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Stephania erecta is a rare and collectable vining caudiciform plant. The bulb, or caudex looks kind of like a potato or jicima. As a houseplant, we recommend planting about halfway into the soil and allowing the caudex to be on display.

When planted, this rare plant will break dormancy and display a flush of parasol-shaped leaves along creeping vines. Allow the vines to cascade down, or train them up a trellis.

Water your Stephania erecta when the soil is dry. This plant will not tolerate over-watering. Stephania erecta wants bright, indirect light and higher humidity. You can place an open plastic bag around the caudex to raise the humidity to encourage growth, as well as periodically misting the bulb. Once you see growth, make sure not to place your plant in hot direct sunlight. This can burn the leaves and caudex.