Oncidium cheirophorum, also known as the Hand Carrying Oncidium, is a charming miniature orchid species that's native to the regions spanning from Mexico to Colombia. This species is renowned not only for its compact size but also for its ability to produce vibrant sprays of small, fragrant yellow flowers that can appear twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. The flowers, which are about 1.5 cm wide, are known for their pleasing scent and waxy, shiny appearance.
Culturally, Oncidium cheirophorum thrives in cool to warm conditions and prefers moderate to bright light. It’s important to allow the potting mix to almost dry out before watering again. The plant generally does well in a well-draining medium like medium fir bark, which supports its growth without retaining excessive moisture that could harm the roots.
This orchid can be quite versatile in its care requirements, adapting well to different environments as long as it receives adequate care focused on mimicking its natural habitat. Given its size and flowering pattern, it's a popular choice among orchid enthusiasts who wish to cultivate a visually appealing species that doesn't require a large space