A Bay Area Guide to Orchids and their Culture

A Bay Area Guide to Orchids and their Culture

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This is a great book for any orchid enthusiast – beginner or experienced – and an indispensable book for growers in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is the first book specifically tailored to address the requirements of growing orchids in that region. There’s a section on how to select orchids for your particular microclimate, plus a chapter on general orchid culture. Throughout the book there’s snippets of useful advice and cultural tips from many local expert growers. There’s sections on growing indoors, growing outdoors, and growing in a greenhouse. The outdoors section lists hundreds of species and gives their standard Sunset Climate Zone hardiness numbers.

It is very well written, good for beginners or advanced growers, and has loads of gorgeous photos. Highly recommended, and a great bargain at the price!

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