Brascidostele Gilded Tower 5.4.22 (Bst. Summit X Brsdm. Gilded Urchin)
Brascidostele Gilded Tower 5.4.22 (Bst. Summit X Brsdm. Gilded Urchin)

Brascidostele Gilded Tower 5.4.22 (Bst. Summit X Brsdm. Gilded Urchin)

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Gilded Tower brings a striking combination of colors to your home or greenhouse. The cross is 50% Brassia and is mostly an intermediate grower liking temperatures from around 60-80 degrees night to day. Our plans are grown is sphagnum moss so adjust watering to keep the moss moist rather than constantly soggy. Do add a liquid or water soluble fertilizer to the watering regime twice a month. Give the plats bright indirect light. The plant can produce up to 12 ~3" flowers on an upright stem.

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