Stenocereus beneckei "Ghost White Boobie Cactus"

Stenocereus beneckei "Ghost White Boobie Cactus"

Regular price $60.00
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Stenocereus bueneckei is a native to the sun-drenched cliffs of central Mexico. It thrives in the brightest spots on rocky outcrops. The powdery coating on its new growth is more than just a feature—it's a survival tactic, shielding the young cactus from harsh sunlight until it can toughen up.

In their natural setting, these cacti usually spread out in a shrubby style, sprouting multiple arms and often sprawling somewhat.

They're perfectly tuned to their home turf, where blistering summers are the norm. With any splash of rain and a bit of warmth, they seize the chance to shoot up fast. As long as the weather's warm and there's even a hint of moisture, they're in growth mode.

However, when the temperature drops at night or if the days stay cool, growth hits the brakes, just as it does in dry spells.

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