The cultivar Syngonium 'Godzilla' is a stunning evergreen climber in the Araceae family. This tender plant produces interesting crinkled, not fully unfurled, arrow-shaped green leaves with white variegated centres, making it a popular specimen among collectors. It is usually grown as a houseplant for its attractive foliage, which appears contorted, dry and almost crispy. New leaves emerge softer compared to mature foliage. Mature leaves are divided into 3 lobes or 5–9 distinct leaflets and these do not closely resemble the young arrow-shaped leaves.
This plant doesn't usually exceed half 2 feet in height and spread. It produces arum-like flowers, but rarely in cultivation. Bright indirect light and regular feeding in summer will keep Syngonium plants happy as long as they are also watered well during the summer, more sparingly in the winter months. Syngonium 'Godzilla' grows better with increased humidity, it is not frost hardy and therefore best grown indoors in cool climates.